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Exclusive Interview With Rising Star Kickman Teddy

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Today we had an exclusive chance to interview the upcoming artist, Kickman Teddy.


What is your stage name and how did you come up with it?

I go by the Name Kickman Teddy and how I got is from playing drums for a College Gospel choir and they start calling me kickman because I had a fast foot.


Where are you from?

I’m from Memphis TN by way of West Memphis Arkansas where I attended Jr. High and High School


Who inspired you the most as an artist?

There are so many but to pick one I have to say Prince because of his musical abilities was well rounded. He played so many instruments . He even wrote and produced his first album I feel he was way ahead of his time.

What are you focusing on right now?

I’m focusing on staying consistent and working in the studio keeping the creative juices flowing. And trying to create new ways to stay relevant as a independent artist.

If I could open a show with any artist who would it be?

I have to say Drake I often have dreams of being in the studio creating music with him. I know that would be a hell of show I’m a fan of his music. I remember when I did my first album release show his Pops came out on stage with me.

Take me through your creative process.

For me it’s simple I love starting with the melody line’s first then I begin to build around the track and add as I write verse’s and so on.

Who do people say you sound like?

Most people say I sound like me and that’s the way I like it. I don’t want to sound like anyone else to me that’s most important in being different.

What was it like Being signed to Justin Timberlake’s label and Interscope Records?

It was a Major experience to say the least. I was signed as group Freesol and we were his artist. I got a chance to not only produce and write but share the stage with him and so many other great artist in the game today. His work ethic is like no other. Which is why I’m here right now as an independent Hip hop Artist.

What’s the best advice you ever received?

I’ve had so many older cats who told me to learn the game and don’t blow your money but invest wisely.

What’s your latest release?

My latest release is called ( On The Weekend ) and it’s Available On All digital Outlets. Spotify, Deezer, Tidal, Amazon music, YouTube and more.


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