Freeway Ricky Ross, the notorious former drug kingpin, recently took to the airwaves to share his grievances about rapper Rick Ross appropriating his identity. During a...
At this point, Rick Ross is almost more of an entrepreneur than a rapper. In addition to owning Maybach Music Group, several Wingstops and Checkers and...
Rick Ross responded to The Game’s diss track “Freeway’s Revenge” on Friday (May 10). Rozay laughed at Game, downplaying the West Coast rapper’s instigation in an...
The Game appeared to be itching for rap beef of his own amid Drake and Kendrick Lamar’s much-discussed battle. The West Coast rapper tried to provoke...
The beef between Drake and Kendrick Lamar has kept fans on the edge over the weekend. Multiple diss tracks dropped starting on Friday, with Kendrick Lamar’s “6:16...