Omarion is set to star in and executive produce an upcoming original drama series titled Wild Rose. According to Variety, the former B2K lead singer and...
As exciting and whirlwind as her romance was with Jonas Brothers singer and solo star Joe Jonas was, looking back on it now Sophie Turner can...
Even though he wrapped his Love on Tour outing two years ago and hasn’t released a new album since 2022’s Harry’s House, Harry Styles has definitely...
The Harris campaign will continue to rock this week with another campaign event featuring prominent musical guests. According to an announcement for the When We Vote...
When you’re already number one you can take some chances. Secure that her 2020 pandemic home NPR Tiny Desk concert still holds the record for the...
Some people remember DMX for the late Ruff Ryder boss’ snarling, take-no-prisoners bars about the dangers of coming at him. But the MC born Earl Simmons...
Billie Eilish will touch down at State Farm Arena on Nov. 3 for the second edition of her Overheated climate sustainability conference. The follow-up to last...
Clairo apologized to her Canadian fans on Wednesday night (Oct. 23) after informing them that she has been advised to push back three planned shows in...
Tyler, the Creator is taking the Chromakopia experience on the road next year. The rapper announced the dates for the 2025 tour in support of his...
Kylie Minogue has done it all during her gold-dusted 45-year career. But even with two Grammys on the shelf and her mantle as the best-selling female...