Tyler, the Creator will make his feature film debut in an A24-produced movie directed by Uncut Gems filmmaker Josh Safdie. Tyler was cast alongside Timothée Chalamet...
Nicki Minaj couldn’t resist commenting on Super Bowl Halftime Show producer Jesse Collins confirming Jay-Z picks the event’s headliner on Monday (September 16). The leader of...
Attorney Dennis Scheib sought the release of his client Quindarrius “Lil D” Zachary in the Young Thug RICO trial on Monday (September 16). Zachary’s health was...
Pharrell changed the way Snoop Dogg rapped about women. Snoop Dogg recalled how Pharrell convinced the West Coast rapper to ditch misogynistic lyrics to create their...
Lil Tjay indictment rumors spread on social media after his photo appeared in a FOX 5 report on gang violence in New York. The Bronx-bred rapper’s...
Kendrick Lamar’s Super Bowl LIX Halftime Show booking became a source of contention in his much-discussed beef with Drake. Podcaster Jamil “Mal” Clay, an avid Drake...
Rich Homie Quan fans can pay their respects to him at a public service on Tuesday (September 17). The late rapper’s family will host a “Celebration...
T.I. and his wife Tiny Harris asked a judge to dismiss the remaining claims in Sabrina Peterson’s defamation lawsuit for disobeying a court order. According to...
Jay-Z, the NFL and local officials in New Orleans faced backlash when Lil Wayne wasn’t selected to headline the Super Bowl LIX Halftime Show. Kendrick Lamar...
Eminem announced a deluxe edition of his latest album The Death of Slim Shady (Coup de Grâce) on Tuesday (September 10). The new version, billed as...