The plans to transform the Santiago Bernabéu Stadium in Madrid, Spain, into a new musical epicenter have encountered an unexpected setback. Following successful shows by artists...
“How come it’s not tomorrow?” The Weeknd closed with a number featuring that lyric Saturday night in São Paulo, Brazil, leaving fans awaiting new album Hurry...
It’s a busy week in the Billboard zeitgeist. After hosting the 2024 Billboard R&B Hip-Hop Power Players event, the Billboard Hip-Hop Live concert went down in...
Green Day experienced an unexpected pause at their Saviors Tour concert Wednesday night (Sept. 4) at Comerica Park in Detroit. The group abruptly ran offstage just as...
Some Oasis fans celebrated like a champagne supernova, while others looked back in anger on Saturday (Aug. 31) as online ticket sites strained under demand for the band’s first...
In Korea’s pop culture scene, Lee Youngji is a name now synonymous with vibrant and unfiltered entertainment, best seen through her viral Nothing Much Prepared YouTube...
Ed Sheeran was joined by surprise guest Chris Hemsworth playing drums on “Thinking Out Loud” Saturday night (Aug. 24) in Bucharest, Romania. As The Hollywood Reporter...
Taylor Swift did not announce Reputation (Taylor’s Version) Saturday night, but she did finally perform the album’s “I Did Something Bad” on The Eras Tour. At...
On Thursday night, Bruno Mars was the first performer at the Intuit Dome arena in Inglewood, California — LA’s newest venue and the home of the...
Drake had some exciting news for his hometown fans on Friday night (August 2) at Budweiser Stage in Toronto. After surprising the crowd with a full...