Orlando’s bustling Halloween festivities took a tragic turn this year as a deadly mass shooting erupted in the city’s downtown area, killing two and wounding several...
Young Thug is now a free man after serving over two-and-a-half years in jail at Cobb County Corrections while fighting the YSL RICO case brought against...
Keke Palmer is telling her side of the story involving the public fallout that occurred within her family unit following a viral interaction with USHER at...
Lil Nas X has become the topic of conversation for another rapper known for their outspoken activity on social media after Slim Thug followed Azealia Bank’s...
Juelz Santana is reuniting with one of his most formidable collaborators, in addition to making an official foray into the fashion world in one fell swoop....
Asian Doll is reviving a theory she previously floated around concerning the death of her ex-boyfriend King Von amid news of a mural dedicated in his...
Veteran rapper Joell Ortiz is opening up about his feelings on the demise of Hip-Hop supergroup Slaughterhouse as he enters yet another new era of his...
Quando Rondo associate Lul Tim, who was previously accused in the fatal shooting of Chicago rapper King Von, is set to tell his own story in...
It appears as though Drake is having himself a little too much fun, at the expense of Ludacris and possibly fueled by top-shelf tequila, while celebrating...
50 Cent has revealed that he initially took on multiple roles related to the production of the hit series Power during the early seasons of the...