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Troche: From Chicago’s Streets to Music Stardom – An Exclusive Interview

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The Rising Star from Chicago’s Westside

In the ever-evolving world of the music industry, new voices emerge with stories that resonate deeply, capturing the essence of human experience. One such voice is Troche, an artist whose journey from the streets of Chicago’s Westside to the top of the music charts is as compelling as it is inspiring. With his breakout single “PRAY FOR ME” from his debut solo album PANOPTIC, Troche has firmly established himself as a force to be reckoned with in the hip hop industry.

From the Chicago to the World Stage

Born and raised in the Austin, Lawndale, and Garfield Park neighborhoods of Chicago, Troche’s formative years were spent navigating the complexities of life in the Martin Luther King Plaza. “The most key elements of who I am now are credited to my time coming of age in these areas,” Troche reflects. “Beginning around the age of 13, experiences started to craft the person you see today. The good, the bad, and the ugly, so to speak.”

This gritty backdrop provided the foundation for Troche’s music, where real-life experiences are woven into his lyrics, offering a raw and unfiltered look into his world. His ability to translate the struggles and triumphs of his life into powerful verses has struck a chord with fans globally.

The Birth of “PRAY FOR ME”

“PRAY FOR ME” wasn’t just a song; it was an outpouring of Troche’s soul during one of the most challenging times in his life. “I was at a transitional period in my life when I wrote the song,” he explains. Fresh off the BHNWB album Monumental, Troche was grappling with intense stress, inadequate living arrangements, and a series of personal battles. “Living arrangements weren’t ideal, work was super stressful, finances were kicking my ass, relationship issues, self-reflection struggles…you name it, it was in the gauntlet.”

Despite being perceived as a strong presence, Troche was at his lowest. But through his music, he found a way to channel his pain and uncertainty. “When people were looking at me, seeing some strong presence, I was at my weakest point,” he says. “I knew I had something special right from the beginning. The way the song makes people feel is unbelievable.”

Rising High with Limitless Ambition

Troche’s creative process is as spontaneous as it is disciplined. “My mind just randomly locks in at any random moment…even without a provoked inspiration,” he shares. “Most nights I can’t sleep because so many ideas run through my mind.” When he intentionally sits down to create, his kitchen becomes his sanctuary. Here, he listens to the beats and lets them guide his writing. “I’m usually in sync with what the track says to me, so it flows out easily.”

This organic approach to music has allowed Troche to produce tracks that are not only authentic but also deeply personal. His latest single, “P.A.M (Pleasure’s Always Mine)” featuring Xavier2X, is a testament to his versatility. The upbeat pop sound addresses the one-sidedness of relationships, a theme that has resonated widely with his fans.

Overcoming Challenges and Embracing the Future

Navigating the music industry is no easy feat, and for Troche, it has required immense dedication and resilience. “Being in this industry requires a lot of sacrifice, attention to detail, relationship building, brand exposure,” he notes. “There is no time for excuses. There is no time for half-assing. I have people depending on and believing in me that I refuse to let down.”

Despite his success, Troche continues to grapple with the challenge of balancing his generous nature with the need to protect his peace. “My biggest challenge is giving too many chances to situations that can affect my peace,” he admits. “I like to believe people will reciprocate effort and energy just off of the strength of it being me.”

Looking back on his journey, Troche acknowledges the importance of trusting his instincts. “I’ve had some things happen that took years to come back around full circle and me to find out my instincts were dead on,” he reflects. This growth and self-awareness are evident in his music, where he explores themes of doubt, resilience, and the pursuit of one’s dreams.

Influences and Legacy

Troche’s influences are as diverse as his music. “Jadakiss and Eminem are probably the two most influential mainstream artists for me,” he reveals. Their infectious flows, wordplay, and unapologetic confidence have deeply impacted his own style.

As Troche continues to rise in the ranks of hip hop, he remains committed to doing things his way. “I want to be remembered as the dude, through all the doubt, all the second guessing, all the weighing down, all the mistakes, who did exactly what he said he was gonna do,” he asserts.

With PANOPTIC already being hailed as a classic and his latest singles captivating audiences worldwide, Troche is well on his way to cementing his legacy in the music industry. As he navigates the path ahead, his story serves as a powerful reminder of the strength and resilience needed to transform adversity into art.

Today, we had the opportunity to interview the rising star, Troche.

Where are you from?

Born and raised on the westside of Chicago. Austin, Lawndale, and Garfield Park neighborhoods. The most key elements of who I am now are credited to my time coming of age in the Martin Luther King Plaza. Learned some very valuable lessons about human nature. Did a lot and saw a lot. Beginning around the age of 13, experiences started to craft the person you see today. The good, the bad, and the ugly, so to speak.

Talk me through your creative process.

My creative process is not a specific routine. I create at all times. My mind just randomly locks in at any random moment….even without a provoked inspiration.. Most nights I can’t sleep because so many ideas run through my mind. When I’m intentional about creating though, I sit in my kitchen for hours and vibe out. Listen to what the beat tells me to write. I’m usually in sync with what the track says to me, so it flows out easily.

Have you heard the theory that some musicians write their best music while they’re depressed or going through a bad time?

I have not heard this theory. BUT, I can say that I believe it. Music is my therapy. I say things in a song that I have a hard time expressing to people in conversation. Not because I’m not a great communicator, but because I don’t like to expose my vulnerable side. Especially to those that don’t receive information well.

How do you solve common problems –like managing productivity, scheduling, marketing, networking, reducing overwhelm?

 I tell people all the time that I do it all and make it all work because I have to. Being in this industry requires a lot of sacrifice, attention to detail, relationship building, brand exposure, etc. Depending on how far you’re telling yourself that you wanna go with it, buckling down and getting the mission accomplished is a must. There is no time for excuses. There is no time for half assing. I have people depending on and believing in me that I refuse to let down. And that’s all on top of myself already acknowledging that I’m HIM!!

What is still your biggest challenge?

My biggest challenge is giving too many chances to situations that can affect my peace. I like to believe people will reciprocate effort and energy just off of the strength of it being me and realizing and absorbing my energy and the way I carry myself for myself, and for them. But oftentimes, I’m left disappointed by the lack of return. This has been a tough lesson for me to earn, even still. I fight my urges to be more selfish because that’s just not the person I am, or have ever been.

How would you describe the music that you typically create?

NEW BOP! I have no one lane. I can do everything. The way I create is different from anything you’ve ever heard. Especially coming from a person of my race and build. Most things I create, people don’t expect it from me. I like the shock value of my approach and story. It intrigues most to wanna know more about me.

What’s your latest release?

My latest single release is P.A.M (Pleasure’s Always Mine) featuring Xavier2X. It’s an upbeat Pop sounding song where I address the one-sidedness of relationships and dynamics I’ve had with people throughout my life. A real curve ball I threw to my fans. They f’ing LOVE IT! My latest album release is PANOPTIC. Introducing myself to the world as a solo artist in July of 2023, this project is a body of work that gives the listeners an insight on my talent and story. Already being referred to as a classic, no skipper, and Album of the Year. I was basically telling the people how I’ve been feeling about how my life had been going thus far. There’s pain, joy, depression, hurt, love, and confidence packed into this album. Knowing that everything I do from here will be greater, I feel like I’ll always have a special place in my heart for this album.

Who would you most like to collaborate with?

Jadakiss and Eminem! And now that I think about it, these are probably the two most influential mainstream artists for me. Infectious flows and deliveries from both, along with the wordplay, and overall swagger and confidence in just doing you the way you wanna do it, unapologetically. And having supreme confidence in knowing your approach is right.

What’s your best advice for handling criticism?

Having the knowledge to be able to decipher when it’s an attack or when it’s constructive. We often block ourselves from good things because we get lost in the delivery and not the message. I used to struggle with this very issue. It took a lot of growth for me to get to the point where I know the difference between the two. And everybody grows at a different rate. You have to go through some stuff to develop that trait.

What surprising lessons have you learned along the way?

Trusting my instincts. I’ve had some things happen that took years to come back around full circle and me to find out my instincts were dead on. That hindsight be crazy!! Had I made different choices after having a feeling about something, my life would be totally different. And I don’t wanna say better, because who knows, but I would damn sure like to believe it would be better. I”ve done some dumb shit with some dumb muthafuckas. We all have. Just takes it coming full circle for you to realize that reality.

What do you want your legacy to be? How do you want to be remembered?

As the dude, through all the doubt, all the second guessing, all the weighing down, all the mistakes, DID exactly what he said he was gonna do for himself, his family, his friends, the world….and did it his way, at the highest level, the best that it’s ever been done. I’ve always felt like I should be more important and influential than I the world. Asking myself, which decision was the one that changed the course and diverted the path of the existence of the life in the feeling. Or is this the path I was supposed to be on all along? Having to go the long way. Had to wait until the culture was ready for me, I guess…. and God’s plan. (no Drake pun intended)

For more updates on Troche’s journey and to dive into his music, stay tuned to our blog and follow him on all major streaming platforms.

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